Have you ever asked yourself “What are my weaknesses?” It sure feels like putting yourself into a trap, but if answered honestly can land you anywhere. Why are we all so afraid of saying it out loud? It is definitely not our favorite word. No one wants their weak spots pointed out, although we all have them. Yes, there isn’t a single person without any weaknesses. Why then the need to keep them hidden from plain view? Why we tend to find ways to avoid or manage around them yet not simply accept them and see the possibility for improvement through them?
We all have our own weaknesses, nobody is perfect or flawless. For some of us it comes down to our personalities, like being shy, oversensitive, stubborn, irresponsible or overconfident. For others it is caused by …show more content…
the lack of a skill, like not knowing how to drive, iron your shirt or walk on your new extra high heels. I can keep on mentioning every personal limitation, inadequacy, handicap or disability; however you like to call it, but the most important and real thing is that they don’t need to remain that way.
This is definitely not another psychological, self-help guideline on how to overcome your weaknesses or to change or beat up yourself while trying to eliminate them in order to become better. Here you have the three methods of attacking your limits and becoming aware of your true self:
1. Attack your limitations and use them for growth
When you look in the mirror each morning, what do you see? Ask yourself and be truly honest. I know that the hardest thing is to be objective and accurate while evaluating our own selves. What stands in your way? What holds you back? Answering these questions is the greatest challenge to become aware of your limits. Recognize and define your weaknesses. Say it out loud, admit them. Only by not ignoring your weak points you can use them for personal growth. A real modern person is not afraid by its weaknesses, but learns how to deal with them and become a stronger person in the process.
2. Embrace your weaknesses and add authenticity
Don’t try to fix them – it’s too difficult. What if instead of trying to eliminate your weaknesses, you accept them for what they are and build up on them? Use them as an opportunity. Be happy about the fact that you have found your weakness because that is the only way to improvement. Try to put a positive light, making a practical and effective use of it. For example, admit that you are stubborn, but see yourself as a dedicated person. In the same manner, many small restaurants call the place a very cozy one, not a very small one, you get it, right?
Get a new perspective and develop the right mindset
Weakness isn’t really an aspect of reality, it is just a label. The whole thing weakness vs. strength, I call it a paradox. For some of us hitchhiking is adventurous, but others see it as irresponsible. It is all about the perception of seeing things. I’m not talking about the power of positive thinking, which is really a great tool, but about figuring out ways in which weaknesses can be seen as strengths. Develop the right mindset and you have just broken your limitations. You may discover that it actually enhances your strengths.
Let me tell you one thing that is for sure, something is a weakness because you have decided to see it as that. Life can be difficult because of all the obstacles you need to overcome, but also can be an amazing adventure because of the opportunities and challenges that are ahead of you. It is you who decide.
So, please tell me, if you had to pick your own strength and weakness, which ones would they be and why? How would that affect your life now? Just remember one thing, you may find there are certain strengths in your weaknesses that you didn’t notice