We then gently set the shells into the liquid making sure not to drop them in and started the timer for thirty minutes. We put shell E in the vinegar since it was our experimental and shell C into the saltwater since it was our control. We then observed them at the 15 minute mark and the 30 minute mark. We didn’t measure mass in the 15 minute mark but instead made qualitative observations about the shells. After 30 minutes, we took the shells out with tweezers, poured out the liquid that was trapped in them and then measured their new masses and recorded other visual observations such as discoloration and change in shape. We then decided that we would test their strength by dropping a textbook on them. We used the same textbook for each shell and had it at the same height when
We then gently set the shells into the liquid making sure not to drop them in and started the timer for thirty minutes. We put shell E in the vinegar since it was our experimental and shell C into the saltwater since it was our control. We then observed them at the 15 minute mark and the 30 minute mark. We didn’t measure mass in the 15 minute mark but instead made qualitative observations about the shells. After 30 minutes, we took the shells out with tweezers, poured out the liquid that was trapped in them and then measured their new masses and recorded other visual observations such as discoloration and change in shape. We then decided that we would test their strength by dropping a textbook on them. We used the same textbook for each shell and had it at the same height when