The problem the Weimar government faced was the resentment German people had against the Politian’s that signed the treaty of Versailles. They were names the ‘November criminals.’ Germans disagreed with the terms of the peace treaty and few accepted that Germany was responsible for the First World War and depended on the politicians to deliver this point across. The treaty demanded high levels of reparations which made it difficult for the Weimar republic to cope with the economic strain. The public became even more portrayed when this lead to the Ruhr invasion. This then caused hyperinflation and high levels of unemployment. On the other hand the German citizens didn’t considered the consequences of not accepting the treaty and blamed all their struggles on the politicians agreement. This did not lead the government to a very successful start.
Germany had been run as a dictatorship by the Kaiser until he fled in 1919 , a new constitution was set up by the Weimar Republic. The new government was the biggest democracy in the world. Which allowed anyone over twenty including women to vote. The new government looked perfect, a new Bill of Rights gave every German citizen freedom of speech and religion, all men and women had rights to for an elected president and