Module I: Stress
Meaning & Nature Characteristics Types of stress
Stress may be defined as "a state of psychological and / or physiological imbalance resulting from the disparity between situational demand and the individual's ability and / or motivation to meet those demands."
Dr. Hans Selye, one of the leading authorities on the concept of stress, described stress as "the rate of all wear and tear caused by life."
Stress can be positive or negative. Stress can be positive when the situation offers an opportunity for a person to gain something. It acts as a motivator for peak performance. Stress can be negative when a person faces social, physical, organizational and emotional problems. The Nature of Stress
Stress is a reaction to change; it can be either positive or negative, and it affects both the body and the mind. Normally, stress stimulates the release of hormones such as adrenaline, quickening the heart rate, accelerating the metabolism, and generally preparing the body for emergency action--whether or not the opportunity for action exists. Stress can destroy a promising academic session, not only killing the joy of learning but seriously affecting a student's general health and scholarly performance. Recognizing the sources and the effects of stress as early as possible is crucial to coping with it.
Characteristics (Refer to the document mailed along with this file)
OR 1. Over-planning each day. Do you feel the need to stick to a strict schedule? Do you live in fear of falling behind or overlooking a task? 2. Doing several things at once. With too much to do and not enough time, it’s easy to think that “efficient” means doing everything at once. He who chases two rabbits catches neither. 3. Extreme need to win. Do you feel like a failure if you don’t come out on top—even when the only competition is your own expectations? 4. Excessive desire for advancement. Highly stressed people need