In my life, there are many things to be stressed over. Many of these are internal factors of stress. One example of this is living in the past. Throughout most of my life, I’ve let thoughts of my past hold me from living in the present. It’s something I find a good …show more content…
One of these has been writing. I’ve recently taken up writing letters to a friend I had in high school. I’d write whatever comes to mind and hold onto the letters I’ve made so far. I don’t plan on sending them, but they have helpful in getting my thoughts out. I also exercise through walking as a form of transportation rather than driving or taking the bus, and I can feel the stress come off of me when I get into the exercise. With that, I’ve also started going to the gym at school for a Wellness and Fitness Education class, but I hope to keep it up in the following semesters. Additionally, when I can, I talk to friends about my problems, or just laugh with them about life.
I’ve also picked up unhealthy ways of dealing with my stressors. I sometimes get angry due to stress, and while I try to isolate myself from people, when I can’t, I get to the point where I scream at people, even though they are unrelated to my issues. I also think about smoking cigarettes. I’ve never smoked before, but I’ve been around a lot of second-hand smoke, with friends and siblings who smoke often, and while I usually protest other people smoking, when I’m stressed, I think about how good it is to breathe in cigarette