Heather Crayton
ORG/PSY 5270
January 7, 2013
Lisa Qualls, Ph.D.
Abstract Organizations are constantly undergoing change through new demands, changing technology, demographic changes and increased competition. Due to the increase in workload, psychological problems related to occupational stress have increased rapidly. There is a growing awareness of how stress adversely affects organizational efficiency. The implementation of stress management programs to counteract this problem has been slow. In this paper I will examine a stress management program in an organization who claimed that they were active and successful in stress management for their employees. The purpose of this research paper is to illustrate the overall importance of stress management in the workplace. The research paper will start by giving a definition of the term stress management. After that, it will illustrate the stress management programs implemented by the organization. Next, it will suggest additional stress management components and ideas beneficial for the company. Finally, the last point will cover the comparison of the organization’s implementation of stress management program to possible other stress models.
Stress Management Paper
The first step in combating stress is identifying its origin. Stress can attack from every aspect of our life. The workplace is one of the most common places. There is the everyday threat of downsizing and losing your job, taking on a change of responsibilities and work overload. Work related stress has been emerging as one of the main causes of adverse symptoms of mental health in today’s industrial societies. The direct result of excessive pressures and/or demands placed on individuals at work, work-related stress has caused some people to develop symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other adverse mental health effects. While it might be possible that other co-factors contribute to the development of anxiety and
References: Emmerling, R. (2012). Stress management training. Retrieved from http://www.eiconsortium.org/model_programs/stress_management_training.html Kenny, D. T., & Cooper, C. L. (2003). Introduction: Occupational stress and its management. International Journal of Stress Management, 10(4), 275-279. Sandmaier, M. (2005). Your guide to living well with heart disease. Retrieved from http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/public/heart/other/your_guide/yg_livingwell.htm Thomas, J. C. & Hersen, M. (2002). Handbook of mental health in the workplace. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.