Table of contents Page
Abstract 3
Definition of stress management 4
Two advantages of stress management 5 - 6
Positive impacts on the organization 5
Positive effects on lifestyle and health behavior 6
Two limitations of stress management 6 -8
Role of supervisors and management 6 - 7
Individual differences in stress response 7 - 8
The role of the Human Resource Manager towards stress management 8 - 9
Conclusion 9 - 10
References 11 - 12
Organizations are constantly undergoing change through new demands, changing technology, demographic changes and increased competition. Due to the increase in workload, psychological problems related to occupational stress have increased rapidly in Western countries (van der Klink, Roland, & Blonk, 2001). More than ever before, job stress has become a hazard to the health of employees and in turn the health of organizations (Sauter, Hurrell, Scharf, & Sinclair, 2003). The purpose of this research paper is to illustrate the overall importance of stress management in the workplace. The research paper will start by giving a definition of the term stress management. After that, it will illustrate advantages and limitations of occupational stress management. Finally, the third point will cover the role of a Human Resource Manager in the field of stress management.
First of all, several definitions of stress management will be illustrated in order to provide a clearer understanding of the term. According to the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (2008), stress management can be defined as follows: “A set of techniques used to help an individual cope more effectively with difficult situations in order to feel better emotionally, improve behavioral skills, and often to enhance feelings of control” (NHLB, 2003) . Ivancevich, Matteson, Freedman, and Philips (1990), describe stress
References: Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE). (2003). Health and Safety Guidelines – Enough Workplace Stress: Organizing for change Cotton, D.H.G. (1990). Stress Management - An Integrated Approach to Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel, INC. Gronningter, H., Hytten, K., Skauli, G., Christensen, C., Ursin, H. (1992). Improved Health and Coping by Physical Exercise or Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management Training in a work environment Ivancevich, J. M.; Matteson, M. T.; Freedman, S. M.; Phillips, J. S. (1990). Worksite stress management interventions Kohler, J. M.; Munz, D.C. (2006). Combining Individuals and Organizational Stress Interventions Reynolds, S.; Brinner, R. (1994). Stress Management at Work: With Whom, for Whom and to What End? British Journal of guidance & Counselling, Volume 22, pages 15-75 Richardson, K. M., Rothstein, H. R. (2008). Effects of occupational stress management intervention programs: A Meta-Analysis Schultz, D, Schultz, S.E. (2002). Psychology & Work Today. (8th Ed.). New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2003). Appendix VIII. Glossary of terms. Bethesda, MD: Institute of Health