The reef is located off the North-East coast of Queensland, extending from just South of Papua New Guinea (8º South) to just North of Fraser Island (24º South). It consists of multiple reefs, covering a total of 344 000 km². The extent of the reef has made it difficult to survey all impacts of natural and human stress.
As a fragile ecosystem, the GBR is prone to change as a result of biophysical interactions[1]. Biophysical interactions constantly transpire as seen in the geomorphologic, hydrological and atmospheric processes such as weathering and storm waves. Chemical weathering is the most common form of weathering/erosion, with the calcium carbonate being subject to collapse (from chemical reactions). The combination of carbon dioxide (CO₂) and rainwater forms carbonic acid deposited onto the limestone, collapsing it. In contrast, the flow and force of storm waves is responsible for the removal/movement of large coral pieces (transportation) and its placement in other parts of the reef (deposition). Storms (according the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority: GBRMPA) have caused 34% of coral mortality recorded