Stress Survey
Name: Ngoc Quach
1. Check off any of the following symptoms you have experienced in the past 6 months.
x Headaches or migraines Insomnia or sleep problems Irritability Fatigue Digestive trouble Sinus Pain, tension, or numbness Constipation Allergies Neck Legs Diarrhea Menstrual problems Shoulders Arms Gas Bladder trouble Hands Low back Bloating Ringing in ears Nervousness Dizziness Weight trouble
2. Choose the one above that causes you the most problems:
Does this cause you to be any of the following?
Does this affect your work in any of the following ways?
Does this affect your life in any of the following ways? Moody Decision making Lose patience with spouse or children Irritable Poor attitude Restricted household duties Have interrupted sleep Decreased productivity Hinder your ability to exercise or play sports Be restricted in your daily activities Exhausted at the end of the day Interferes with hobbies or activities
Unable to work long hours
Count the number of items above that you have checked.
If you have any number under five, you may have mild stress in your life and are probably at low risk for health problems. If you have any number under 10, you may have moderate stress in your life and are possibly more likely to have some kind of health problem in the next year. If you have a number over 10, you are may be extremely stressed and may have a health challenge looming in the near future unless you make changes. Use this information to answer the following questions, with a minimum of 100 words per answer.
1) Taking into consideration that 40% of all deaths in America are related to stress, what changes to