References: American Heart Association. (2010). Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: Update at-a-glance. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cotunga, N., Vickery, C., & Carpenter-Haefele, K. (2005). Evaluation of literacy level of patient education pages in health related journals. Journal of Community Health, 30, 213-219. Elliott, L. (2004). Management of hypertension in the very elderly patient. Hypertension, 44, 800-804. Lowenstein, A., Foord-May, L., & Romano, J. (2009). Teaching strategies for health education and health promotion: Working with patients, families, and communities. Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Miller, E., King, K., Miller, R., & Kleindorfer, D. (2007). FAST Stroke Prevention Educational Program for Middle School Students: pilot study results. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(4), 236-242. Miller, T., & Spilker, J. (2003). Readiness to change and educational interventions: Successful strategies to reduce stroke risk. The Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 35, 215-222. National Stroke Association. (2010). Fact Sheets. Rosamound, W., Flegal, K., Friday, G., Furie, K., Go, A., & Greenlund, K Shrira, I., Christenfield, N., & Howard, G. (2008). Exposure to the US Stroke Buckle as a Risk Factor for Cerebrovascular Mortality. Neuroepidemiology, 30, 229-233. Sullivan, K., White, K., Young, R., & Scott, C Travis, L., Flemminng, S., Brown, R., Meissner, I., McClelland, R., & Weigand, S. (2003). Awareness of stroke risk factors, symptoms, and treatment is poor in people at highest risk. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 12, 221-227. Willough, D., Sanders, S., & Privette, A. (2001). The Impact of a Stroke Screening Program. Public Health Nursing, 18(6), 418-423.
References: American Heart Association. (2010). Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics: Update at-a-glance. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Cotunga, N., Vickery, C., & Carpenter-Haefele, K. (2005). Evaluation of literacy level of patient education pages in health related journals. Journal of Community Health, 30, 213-219. Elliott, L. (2004). Management of hypertension in the very elderly patient. Hypertension, 44, 800-804. Lowenstein, A., Foord-May, L., & Romano, J. (2009). Teaching strategies for health education and health promotion: Working with patients, families, and communities. Boston: Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Miller, E., King, K., Miller, R., & Kleindorfer, D. (2007). FAST Stroke Prevention Educational Program for Middle School Students: pilot study results. Journal of Neuroscience, 39(4), 236-242. Miller, T., & Spilker, J. (2003). Readiness to change and educational interventions: Successful strategies to reduce stroke risk. The Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 35, 215-222. National Stroke Association. (2010). Fact Sheets. Rosamound, W., Flegal, K., Friday, G., Furie, K., Go, A., & Greenlund, K Shrira, I., Christenfield, N., & Howard, G. (2008). Exposure to the US Stroke Buckle as a Risk Factor for Cerebrovascular Mortality. Neuroepidemiology, 30, 229-233. Sullivan, K., White, K., Young, R., & Scott, C Travis, L., Flemminng, S., Brown, R., Meissner, I., McClelland, R., & Weigand, S. (2003). Awareness of stroke risk factors, symptoms, and treatment is poor in people at highest risk. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 12, 221-227. Willough, D., Sanders, S., & Privette, A. (2001). The Impact of a Stroke Screening Program. Public Health Nursing, 18(6), 418-423.