There are plenty of ways to reduce the risk, more exercise and a healthier lifestyle can help. This way anyone can live in a stroke free life without complications and doubt. Anyone can reduce risk in these ways “the risk of stroke for most people can be reduced through the following lifestyle changes: stopping smoking, controlling blood pressure, getting regular exercise, keeping body weight within the healthy range, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, and getting regular checkups and following the doctor's advice regarding diet and medicines” (Stoke World of Health). Anyone who is able to follow these will greatly decrease the risk of stokes, which is worthy for later in life. These ways can lengthen life as well, without putting toxins in the body; it can enhance over all life quality and quantity. If anyone fails to follow these, they can be at a risk of hypertension, which is when your heart has to pump harder than normal. Hypertension can lead to heart attacks as well as strokes, which is proven in “hypertension, which is a major cause of intracranial hemorrhage and stroke, can be treated by preventive measures using diet, drug therapy, and stress reduction techniques” (Stroke The Columbia Encyclopedia). Following the lifestyle changes can decrease your risk of hypertension, which in the end will allow you to live a better and healthier life. Strokes are a…