The film tells the story of Carson Phillips, a sarcastic, bitter, overly-achiever teenager, who after being killed by a bolt of lightning, recounts the way he blackmailed his classmates into contributing to his literary magazine to get into the college of his dreams. While that is the basic synopsis, the movie is much more complex than this.
It’s definitely not the typical high school movie we are used to see. This isn't a story about romance, the popular kids, trying to get laid or trying to fit in. It's a story made for the ones that don’t have their story told very often. The over achiever kids that feel like they are constantly working harder than anyone else and are getting anywhere because they are stuck in an environment that doesn't care. While it also cleverly shows how tough high school can be too for the students that conform to the stereotypically assigned roles.
Carson Phillips is that over achiever kid, but with a badass attitude. He stands up for what he believes in and stops at nothing to get what he wants. He isn't on the “top of the food chain” but he says everything that every over achiever or nerd kid ever wished they had the courage to say. He wants to do something with his life and he won’t let anyone stop him from his dreams. He’s been through every obstacle possible to get to his dreams and his only supporter, his grandmother, has forgotten that he is her grandson.
This movie is about how far you would go to achieve your dream. With an incredible lesson that it doesn't matter if you never really achieve it. What matters is to keep trying, because as long as you are trying you are succeeding. The dream stops only when you give up.
It’s one of those movies that will inspire you. While it has an amazing sarcastic