Pro Life vs. Pro Choice are the two different takes on the matter. Pro Life people are against abortion while Pro Choice people believe that you have the right to choose to get an abortion or not, not necessarily that one is 100% going to do so. If one was to apply a sociological perspective to the debate of Pro Life vs. Pro Choice, you would get similar results. From a Structural Functionalism Theory and a Social Conflict Theory point of view, abortion is necessary for society to function. Symbolic Interaction theorists look at abortion on more of a case by case basis. …show more content…
The theory behind Structural Functionalism is that everything in society is connected and each aspect feeds off of another to work. This is a very broad outlook on society and it does not take human emotions into account. Everyone has a job and everyone must do their job. This theory may support abortion because it provides jobs. A woman in need of an abortion must pay the doctor to perform the surgery. If abortion was illegal, it would not stop them from happening but it would stop doctors from making money off of