Goldenberg gives us is an illustration of a case study of how a therapist was able to apply intervention techniques to reduce the tension among family members. In this case study, the structural therapy is applied within a divided step family. A couple get married a few months after they meet with the wife only meeting the husband’s daughter one time before the wedding ceremony. The wife assumed that the daughter Kiri would not be a problem being that she lived in a different state. Shortly after their marriage, Kiri’s mom sends Kiri to live with her father due to some personal matters of her …show more content…
Through the sessions the therapist can observe and identify the diffuse boundaries, analyze if there is an enmeshed relationship, which in this case there is one between the daughter Kiri and the father. The diffuse boundaries are seen clearly among the undefined boundary or role of the stepmother, and the role of the father who has excluded his new wife within the care of his daughter, additionally, it has not been communicated to Kiri who is her stepmother and the role behind her