Structural-Functional Approach
Department of Sociology PGGCG-11,Chandigarh
Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown
• English Social Anthropologist of the
20th century who developed a systematic framework of
concepts and generalizations relating to the social structures of preindustrial societies and their functions.
• He is widely known for his theory of functionalism and his role in the founding of British social anthropology.
• Radcliffe-Brown was born in Spark brook, Birmingham, England. After studying at Trinity College, Cambridge, he travelled to the Andaman Islands (1906-1908) and Western Australia (1910-1912) to conduct fieldwork into the workings of the societies there, serving as the inspiration for his later books The Andaman Islanders (1922) and The Social Organization of Australian Tribes (1930). His most famous work Structure and Function in Primitive Society: (1952) was published posthumously . • Radcliffe-Brown has often been associated with functionalism, and is considered by some to be the founder of structural functionalism. Nonetheless, Radcliffe-Brown vehemently denied being a functionalist.
• The concept structure refers to an arrangements of parts or components related to one another in some sort of larger unity e.g. arrangements of walls, roofs etc. • In social structure the ultimate components are human beings or persons in relation to one another. • The most important structural feature in Radcliffe Brown’s opinion is the arrangements of people into dyadic Tribes of Australia, where the whole social structure is based on a network of such person to person relations. • Under Social structure , the differentiation of individuals and of categories and classes by their roles must also be included.
Social Structure and Social Organization
• Structure refers to the arrangements of persons while organization refers to the arrangement of activities