Describe and explain the role of the Municipal Manager in local government with particular emphasis on his/her leadership role. You are also expected to critically analyse the relationship between the Mayor and Mayoral Committee, Municipal Manager and Speaker.
Name: Suhil Singh
Stu No.: 212519449
Course: Introduction to Local Government
Table of Contents:
* Introduction
* The Municipal Manager
* The Speaker
* The Mayor
* The Mayoral Council
* Conclusion
* References
The constitution of 1996 establishes local government as a distinguishing sphere of government. This sphere consists of municipalities that have been established for the whole territory of the Republic of South Africa. Condition is made for the establishment of municipalities in agreement with the requirements relating to categories and types defined by specific criteria. Powers and functions are appropriately divided among the categories of municipalities. The Local Government Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998 regulates the internal system, structures and office bearers of municipalities. These structures and functionaries play an important role in the promotion of democratic and developmental local government.
Political Office Bearers:
The Municipal Manager
The municipal council must appoint a municipal manager who is the head of the administration and also the accounting officer of the municipality.
The municipal manager, as head of the municipal administration, is responsible and accountable for the formation and development of an effective, co-efficient and accountable administration in accordance with all applicable legislation. The municipal manager is responsible to the executive mayor for the management of the administration and the performance of the functions and responsibilities assigned to him/her by the council and executive mayor. He/she is further responsible and accountable
References: 1. Bland, R. And Rubin, I. S. 1997. Budgeting: A Guide for local governments. USA : ICMA 2. Cloete , J. J. N &Thornhill, C. 2005. South African Municipal Government and Administration. Pretoria: Dotsquare 3. Levy, N &Tapscott, C. 2001. Intergovernmental relations in South Africa. Cape Town. Idasa 4. Coetzee, M 2002: Local Pathway to Sustainable Development in South Africa. Pretoria: CSIR 5. Davids, I. 2005. ‘The private sector and development: towards social responsibility’. In Davids, I. Theron, F. & Maphunye, K. J. Participatory Development in South Africa: A Development Management Prospectiv, pp 84-89. Pretoria: Van Schaik. 6. Stoker, G 2002. New Localism, Participation and Network Community Governance. Manchester: University of Manchester. 7. 8.