Sam Mettler, Intervention’s creator says that it is not easy to film reality TV. Sometimes he has had to step forward and stop someone from driving drunk, or even kill themselves. In the end he is saying that they would cross the line if anyone was putting themselves or somebody else in immediate danger. But it is a very delicate balance.
2. The three texts is all looking at reality TV from different points of views, but they all agree that reality TV is pushed to the limit, so they can keep keeping their viewers.
In the text “When Reality TV Gets Too Real” the TV producers think that they should keep seeking the limit for what is acceptable. It is people on the edge there make good television. They still think though, that it can be too much.
In text “TV kidney competition was a hoax” their focus is on whether you can use body parts, and people’s life as entertainment, or it is crossing the line. The people interviewed to the text all think it was a good way to highlight the need for more donors.
The text “Ethics of Reality TV” is written by and it discusses the ethics in reality TV, or rather the lack of ethics. We can expose people for something that will humiliate them, and we will suck it in like animals, because it is that we want to see.
3. The focus in “When Reality TV Gets Too Real” is on Reality TV, and how there is no limit for what you can make people do on reality TV? This is shown in the