Debra Harvey
SOCL 215-12104A-16
Phase 5 Individual Project
November 12, 2012
Colorado Technical University Online
Sociology of Sports
The field of sociology of sport is best defined as to observe the social phenomenon by understanding the relationship of society with sports/games. The sport/games are influence by society and culture yet the games also influence the society and culture. Scrutiny began in the late 19th century when psychologist observed the competition and the actions of the upper class, while anthropologist’s researched games and their association to human culture. Society has always had issues with power, social status, role modeling and sport symbolism. Society has watched the game little girls played in physical education become a successful professional sport. Women’s sport suffered having the financial backing needed even though they were successful. However in today’s society women’s sports are accepted and are financially and publically supported. Sociology of sports is when trained Sociologist study society’s behavior (societal factors) using acquired skills of sports (Young, 2010).
Sport selection: My sport selection is football. It is considered as the popular and valuable economic sports of today. Football attracts individuals of all ages and the players serve as role models to many individuals. It is a sport that is played by all ages from midget league to professional. I chose football because I happen to like the sport and I seem understand the game better than the other sports. Other reason I chose football is that it is the sport of the current season and it is a sport that my boyfriend really enjoys. Football increases bonds between student and coach, players and fans. It is a source of entertainment that brings fans from all over the world unifying nations (Football History 2012). Sports fit into the contemporary American life as a form on entertainment or