Student loans differ from other loans in many ways, firstly their interest rates are at six percent, which is higher than those of home loans. Also, students do not negotiate with the lenders. They have to begin paying off their debt six to twelve months after graduation. It is required by law, whether the student completed their studies or not. (Foley).
Millions of students are graduating each year and many of them will have to pay back thousands of dollars that they borrowed. But is it worth the cost? “Approximately 47% of students enrolled in school have borrowed money to finance their college education. The median debt is $38,100 and 73% said that they owe more in student debt than they can manage.” (Levi) The bigger problem at hand is that students are graduating and are either unemployed or underemployed. Today’s bad economy makes it more difficult to find a way to pay down these debts. According to a recent article in ABC News, “the unemployment rate for adults ages twenty to twenty-four remains at 12.5%, about 1.5 million bachelor’s degree holders—53.6% are unemployed or underemployed” (Levi). The high college debt combined