It would not be an overstatement to
It would not be an overstatement to
The two metropolitan areas that I have selected are New Orleans my hometown where I was born and raised before hurricane Katrina and Corpus Christi, Texas my new hometown where I have resided at since hurricane Katrina. The Criminal Offense for New Orleans and for Corpus Christi, Texas is Property Crime.…
In The Cheating Culture: Why More Americans Are Doing Wrong To Get Ahead, David Callahan, prime supporter, chief of Manhattan-based open strategy research organization, exhibits how plagiarism has pervaded American life. He clarifies the three incredible powers driving the cheating society, and he doubts whether individuals truly need to live in a society characterized by an array of cheating practices. His message to all students that change is near. He is idealistic about the potential for a more reasonable, fairer society taking into account for the individuals who works hard and think ambitiously. His concrete recommendation for leveling the playing field and opposing the cheating society is a test to college students to become the change you want to see.…
Life at the university depends on a high level of honesty, integrity, and respect among faculty, students, and staff alike. Cheating and plagiarism have no place in the…
The Taliban and the terror organization known as Al-Queda were held responsible for the incident.…
The basis in the case of Vo v. City of Garden Grove lies within the debate of what is more important the right of free speech, which is given to all American’s as a right under Article 1 in the Constitutional Amendments, or safety of those using the internet cafes in question. Personal safety is not mentioned in the constitution, but as The United State of America’s second President, John Adams, said in 1798, “our constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (Joe, 2005). Although the courts sided with the City of Garden Grove, one judge dissented, saying that the decision infringed upon the right to free speech.…
There is a new brand of “smart” cheaters. Cheaters that are simply trying to achieve their tragically high goals, and who have found that it has become unacceptable to drop a single ball that they are juggling whilst jumping through the flaming hoops of potential colleges. Wenke argues that students who would normally not be susceptible to evil are almost forced into cheating. This happens when they realize that the students who do cheat are typically more successful and have slightly higher test scores than those who don’t. Wenke closes by warning that these “smart” cheaters are going to be the same people who become heads of businesses and presidents of big corporations. She recommends that we think about the future issues that come with having cheaters rule our country, and suggests that when the thirst for knowledge returns in a student’s mind, and the desire for the grade without the work dissolves, cheating will finally begin its…
Upon becoming a student at University of Phoenix I learned quite a few things that I never knew about such as personal ethics. I’ve learned that personal ethics is how others perceive you such as classmate and co-workers. It also means who you are trying to be and as a student it’s also about follow the rules of academic integrity and student code of conduct. You should use good personal ethics in environments such as the work place and at school.…
Within David Snow’s and Leon Anderson's expert, Salvaging the Self From Homelessness, the homeless individuals identified within the article were noted as “deviant” as a result of societies sanctions towards them. Additionally within the oppression of a dwindling identity, the homeless employed distancing, embracement, and fictive storytelling as strategies to rekindle their sense of self.…
“A Question of Honor” by William Chace was published in the American Scholar, Spring of 2012. In this article Chace explains the growing problem of cheating and plagiarizing in Higher Education. He uses many different views from deans of universities to explain the issues of cheating. Chace first begins his article referring to a recent report. He states that from this article one can concur that student are learning less every day in Higher Education. From there Chace then asks the question of who is responsible for this academic discrepancy. He clearly states, “Where should we lay the blame for a worsening state of one of the foundations of American civilization, one that has long filled us with justified pride?” (Chace 200). Chace then discusses…
Furthermore, every student is absolutely responsible for maintaining academic integrity. However, a student should not be punished harshly for not maintaining the educational morality of a classroom if the student is never properly educate over the matter. If an instructor does not take the time required to inform his/her students about keeping the academic ethics of a classroom, it would be unjust to…
As seen in recent examples throughout the country, students are in fact abusing the honor codes that their institutions have in place for one reason or another. These stories in the news are just the students that got caught; there are bound to be countless others that get away with it every day. From the stress and workload of college, to inherent laziness, students everywhere today feel the need to cheat to get through college. Students expect this honor and good grades to just come to them easily in college, but they really need to work for it themselves in order to truly have self-integrity. It is as Calvin Coolidge once said: “No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he…
Working in higher education there are a few moral decisions I have faced. When I started as a higher education professional, there were decisions my department made that I personally disagreed with. Anytime a moral decision was made by the department leadership that I disagree with morally, I made sure I communicated this to my supervisor and we always discuss those concerns as a department after my one on one with my supervisor. As a professional, my moral decision making is based on my beliefs and life experiences. I choose not to change who I was as person or conform to a structure that was not conducive to my development a person or profession. I personally believe in Aristotle virtue ethics, which basically states that the character of a individual is important. Doing the right than at the right time shows the character of the individual.…
When considering the academic integrity, or lack thereof, amongst today’s college students, it is important to understand that there are a variety of reasons why students cheat. More importantly, they have been influenced by faculty members as well as teachers they had in high school. While every college is different and made up of unique demographics, it is generally true that there are students who will always cheat, and students who will refuse to cheat. In order to preserve academic integrity at MCC, the focus has to be…
A situation where I had to use moral judgment to decide what I was going to do was when I moved out of my moms, walked away from an awesome job, and decided to take off to Colorado. I was only nineteen years old at the time and one of my friends wanted to get out of town and move there. Our plan was to go to college there and live in the dorms, she had money to get us down there and get us started. I had a hard time making the decision as I only had a day or two to decide on changing my entire life. I agreed to go and quit my job, told my mom the news and left the same day without telling any one else in my family. If I were to face the same situation today, I would not have made the same decision. I wish I would have sat back and actually thought about the consequences that I would have faced at one point or another. If I would have never moved, I would still have a great job, new car, a house by now, and I could have possibly been married. Although I would not have my son, and I in no way regret him, just I wish I would have thought more thoroughly about it. I do not think I thought about any of the things my family thought me and that I really hurt a lot of people, no one was prepared for me to go, I just up and left in a few hours notice and traveled half way across the world.…
Christine Pelton, a high school biology teacher, discovered almost a fifth of her students plagiarized their paper from the Internet. Initially, Pelton received her superiors’ support to accuse her students of cheating; the students did plagiarize so they deserved a zero on the assignment. However, some of the parents of the children complained, Pelton was ordered “to go easier on the guilty.” Consequently, Pelton quit her job in protest of the school’s response in a way that some regard as a reflection of the national decline in educational integrity. As a teacher myself, I ask, what should have Pelton done? There is a legitimate problem within school districts all over the nation, but the underlying problem is not as overt as many think.…