The famous person that I chose to write about is Harrison Ford. Harrison Ford started off as a cabinetmaker. He did this job for fifteen years, just to make sure that he was able to pay his bills and put food on the table every day. Harrison Ford worked as a stagehand for The Doors, he built sound studios for Sergio Mendes, and he made cabinets for George Lucas. At the time George Lucas was not a well-known producer like he is now and he was producing the film American Graffiti. He offered Harrison Ford a small role in the film to make a little extra money and Harrison said yes. Later, as George Lucas become more famous, he asked Harrison Ford to do construction work for a bigger office. One day while doing construction, Harrison Ford was asked by George Lucas to read lines for the actors who were absent. The film just happened to be Star Wars. The off-the-cuff performance impressed Stephen Spielberg and he offered the lead role to Harrison Ford. The movie Star Wars ended up being the highest-grossing movie in history. Because of this movie Harrison Ford began a long career in Hollywood.…
In the United States many students face many problems or terrible conditions in their lives at home, school and in life in general. These problems and conditions can affect students tremendously when it comes to schoolwork or academic success. Many schools nationwide have set up programs or assistance to help these students succeed despite the problem or condition being faced.…
Sigmund Freud, a Jewish Austrian neurologist that developed a wonderful theory in 1915 that stated all behavior is motivated and that the primary purpose of someone’s behavior was to serve the satisfaction of needs. This serves to be true in two or more situations in the common workplace. For instance, if company morale is low, there is a very slim chance that the company as a whole will be doing well. People are driven by their need to feel satisfied and wanted at the same time. Therefore, when others exhibit behavior that is non-favorable, it is most likely due to their lack of being satisfied. Behavior can either be motivated in a positive and negative direction.…
Budgets cuts are affecting schools nationwide. Starting early is a key element in a student’s development in their education and studies and will pre set how well they can understand and complete tasks. Since doing mathematical equations or learning about our past presidents is not equally as fun as playing video games is tend to be hard to keep students interested. Since technology is advancing in a fast pace is easier to make learning fun and twice as evident. Since everything cost money the budget cuts don’t allow this methods to be tested or use which leaving student to just to glide thru elementary not learning how beneficial and fun education can be and show them how dreaming can pay off. Besides budget cuts teaching is pointless to dream it has made countless of school close mostly elementary since according to Budget And Policy Priorities more than two thirds of the states are providing each student with the amount they provided in 2008 which is about 250 dollars per student, per year. So each student is receiving about 200 or so per year which is not enough which means another student funding is being use which put the second student who’s fun is being use for the other student with less money for their education which is leaving a never ending domino effect. No wonder school are closing they don’t have enough money to support their current student or the future student leaving students with no school or just putting their dreams on hold. Not only that but since more schools…
Motivation theories are psychological reasons why people do what they do. They can explain most of human behavior. There are at least three motivation theories to explain why I am currently attending Anoka Ramsey Community College. The first theory is Autonomy.…
analyzed in this paper will be Freedom High School in Oakley, California. Freedom is a comprehensive high school of slightly over 2600 students, grades nine through twelve. Freedom has a diverse student body including a significant population of EL, SPED, and Title 1 students. The district was put into program improvement eight years ago and since that time scores on the state and district assessments have undergone a substantial and continual climb, particularly in science. The budget crisis caused the district to issue lay-off notices and freeze raises and COLA increases. Prior to the 2007, the district was the third highest paying district in Northern California. The LEA (Liberty Educational Association) is well represented and very vocal group in this district and fought hard for teacher’s rights, benefits, and working conditions. In 2009, Freedom was named a California Distinguished school and in 2010 received a six year WASC evaluation. Despite budget constraints the community has approved several Bond issues for physical improvements to the school facilities including a four million dollar athletic facility and substantial improvements to the library, both of which Freedom shares with the community. Freedom is the center of the community and is rarely with out people using the facilities.…
Motivation can help and hinder the choices an individual makes, sometimes simultaneously. People act and behave various ways and some people may never be understood or why may never be pinpointed. However, every action or behavior is an impulse of an experience or the potential of that individual. Whether it is to achieve a goal, better themselves, or gain success people will act or behave certain ways through their specific form of motivation.…
I’m out here for you! You don’t know what it’s like to be me out…
One of the most important parts of being an effective teacher is motivation of the children you are teaching. When I was learning have to be an effective teacher in my methods classes, many of the techniques that I was taught included extrinsic motivation. When I began my student teaching I watched techniques my cooperating teacher used to motivation and noticed she did not use any of the techniques I had learned in my classes. I found myself confused about how I would handle the matter of motivation when it came time for me to take control of the class on my own. I used candy and a treasure chest for rewards, but found that I only received motivation for a short time in return for these rewards. I knew that I would have to do more research and construct a new plan to motivate my student’s long term.…
In today’s school system where ‘no child is left behind’; the teacher is set up for failure. Combined with achieving metrics on standard testing scores; these extrinsic motivators seem to be the only thing presented to teachers today. They are expected to be high quality teachers who are able to inspire, mentor, design and align lessons, differentiate instruction, craft assessments, analyze data, grade homework, connect with parents, enforce discipline, promote fitness, cultivate a love of learning, write individualized education programs, and so on . Look at what we are expecting of our teachers today, and how we are trying to motivate them. The joy of teaching students to make their own decisions and succeed in life seems to be gone.…
With so many of life many failure attempts to succeed in life, we see those individuals that have dropped out of school and feel that their life now seems meaningless. Their determination or will power wasn’t strong, and they had no one to push them forward to want to be a better person or succeed in life. Some students today feel that all they have to do is just attend school just because of their parents’ wishes for them to receive a diploma. Some feel that classes are boring and frustrating and a waste of time and energy. Why do students of today feel this way? Receiving your diploma should be some type of determination you put within yourself. Once you’ve reached that goal you know you have accomplished a task in life that you once thought was impossible. It takes time and effort to learn all the basics of learning and skills that school has to offer. There are so many students who didn’t reach that goal of receiving their diploma because they weren’t motivated and they failed, or completely dropped out of school.…
Some students are naturally enthusiastic about learning, but many need or expect their teachers to inspire, challenge, and stimulate them. Ericksen have once said "Effective learning in the classroom depends on the teacher's ability to maintain the interest that brought students to the course in the first place", Unfortunately, there is no single magical formula for motivating students.…
Learning Matters at Lingnan are short papers on teaching and learning that aim to provide a forum fo exchange of ideas about instructional matters. You are most welcomed to contribute to the forum by w Learning Matters at Lingnan, and/or responding to ideas that you either agree or disagree. Please se your ideas and contributions to the Teaching and Learning Centre (TLC), Lingnan College.…
This is to certify that the project entitled, “HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT" submitted by "AKSHAY KARNWAL" in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of "BACHELORS OF COMMERCE" in…
When I think about this question the first thing that comes to my head is what the real definition of sexist. The definition for this would be the discrimination on the basis of sex, especially the oppression of women by men. This type of behavior is portrayed all the time in Hollywood movies. There is hardly a movie these days that does not have in a sex scene or a scene with women being degraded by men through sex. We are always going to be seeing these types of behavior in movies because they are reflecting the status of our society today. Plus these types of movies are what sell so; once it makes money then there definitely will always be movies that are produce with either explicit or not so explicit sex scenes. Even in the kids or teen movies now there are subliminal sex messages, so no matter what it is all over.…