Student F was introduced to me as her associate mentor. I have welcomed, orientated her in the ward area as well as introduced her to the members of the staff.
POLO packs and relevant materials was also provided for her learning needs.
Student F seemed shy but enthusiastic and well motivated to learn. On her second week on he ward she …show more content…
The NMC requires practice teachers to support learning for several reasons one of which is to provide support and guidance to the student when learning new skills, applying new knowledge and competence to a new context of practice, and act as a resource to the student to facilitate learning and professional growth. (NMC,2008, p 36)
NMC Code of Professional Conduct (NMC,2008) also states that nurses and midwives on the Professional register ; “were able to support students in critically reflecting their own experiences in order to enhance future learning.
Identified Learning Outcome
Contributes to the assessment and management of wound for post op patients.
Based on her proficiency book 2.5., Demonstrate evidence of a developing knowledge base, which underpins safe and effective nursing practice.
She will demonstrate and develop her skills in the management of wound for post op patients, rationale behind normal wound healing , signs and symptoms of wound …show more content…
Describe signs and symptoms of wound infection
Accurate assessment of the patients wound and surrounding tissue for evaluation of the wound healing process and management regime.
The student will be able to demonstrate procedure in changing simple wound dressing for post op patient.
Demonstrate proper handwashing pre and post procedure. Pratt et al.,(2007) states that hand hygiene is important, it is one of the four standard principles in the national guidelines for preventing infections in hospitals.
Will be able to document properly to obtain a clear picture of the wound and the wound healing journey.
Able to participate and be involve on patients daily assessment of wound and wound care and health teachings
Obtain consent prior to the procedure
Student will maintain privacy and dignity whilst doing dressing.