American Revolution Persuasive Essay
Student A. Sample
Grand Canyon University: HIS 345
American Revolution Persuasive Essay
The American Revolutionary War forever changed the idea of a government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and took the first steps in bringing an end to the world’s last great true empire. The reasons the Americans decided to break free from Great
Britain are numerous, but the British Empire’s sense of superiority was the most important reason. Also important was the failure of the British Parliament to address the needs and growing discontent of Americans weary of “taxation without representation.” Colonists also began to oppose rule from Britain because of ideas developing in new intellectual schools of thought like the Enlightenment.
King George III’s arrogance was well founded in the 1760s, but it led to poor decision making. Early in his reign, the British had resoundingly defeated France in the Seven Years’ War to become the dominant power both in North America and on the Asian subcontinent. This dominance clearly created a false sense of security and as the British Empire continued to grow, its central authority, or ability to control its ever-expanding colonies, weakened significantly.
Great Britain’s failure to recognize its weaknesses and its foolish decision to respond to every colonial expression of discontent with a tightening of the noose effectively sealed it into an everescalating spiral of conflict. The conflict could have been avoided and King George III could have secured the colonies’ loyalty to the empire for generations if he would have simply signed off on a relatively modest series of reforms.
The British Parliament failed to address the needs and growing discontent of Americans weary of “taxation without representation.” Great Britain’s indifference to colonial life, its failure to recognize the fact that Americans (or any