I understand the nature of plagiarism, and I am aware of the policies on this.
I certify that this dissertation reports original work by me during my project In addition, this used ideas I had already developed in my own time.
Signature Date
I highly appreciate the nature of support I had received from my teachers, technical support staff, and fellow students and as well as some external organisations.
I have used verity of internet sources in order to complete the task. I acknowledged all of those in the reference sections.
And finally my supervisor, without strong support from her it was not possible to undertake this project.
Page of contents:
|Serial |Description |Page no |
|1.0 |Abstract |6 |
|1.2 |Introduction: |6 |
|1.3 |Scope and Objectives: |7 |
|2.0 |Methodology: |7 |
|2.1.1 |Record Management System for Primary School: |7 |
|2.1.2 |Record Management System for Secondary School: |8 |
|2.1.3 |Record Management System for College: |8 |
|2.1.4 |Record Management System for Universities: |8
References: 1) Andrew S. Tanenbaum , David J. Wetherall (2008). Computer Networks. 5th ed. New york: Emarge. P-100-145. 2) A Smith. (2010). Server infrastructres . Available: Last accessed 01/05/2012 3) Greene, D 4) Jacobson, J. and Andersen, O., editors. Software Controlled Medical Devices. SP Report 1997:11, Swedish National Testing and Research Institute, Sweden, 1997. 9) Abernathy, W. J. and Utterback, J. M. (2008). “Patterns of industrial innovation,” Research Policy, 14: 3-22. 10) Allen, T. J. (2008). Managing the flow of technology: Technology transfer and the dissemination of technological information within the R&D organization, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 11) University Authoriry . (2012). University site. Available: Last accessed 01-MAY-2012.