If you are planning to refinance your student loan there are several things that you need to consider. If you have both private student loans and federal student loans, you will have to refinance them separately. When it comes to federal student loans, you will always receive a lower interest rate than students applying for a private loan. This is because private loans are based on the assumption that your earnings will increase once you complete your education. It’s very important to refinance these loans separately because if you combine them, you will end up paying a higher interest rate than you would if you refinanced them separately. …show more content…
Here are tips on how to refinance student loans:
Ask how the loan will accumulate interest and the percentage at which interest will be charged.
It’s wise to know the amount of interest being offered. Know the amount of interest rates on your present loans and the interest rates that are most likely to be charged in the future. It’s also important to do some research about the average interest rates being offered currently so that you can be certain the rates you are being offered is fair. What’s more, find out if the interest rate being offered in your refinance loan is fixed or
The next step is to find out how the repayments term will be. For example, if you are a continuing student, you should be allowed to hold off payments on your loan until you have completed your education. It’s obvious that the interest will keep on accruing, but you should be allowed to repay your loan without any penalties.
Confirm with the company or your lending institution when you are expected to start making repayments. Normally, you are supposed to be given a grace period of about six months from the date of your graduation. You have to start making your payments once these six months are over. The good news is, when you to start to refinance your loan the rules can change. Most lending institutions will usually give you the 6 months grace period.
It will be in your best interest to refinance your student loan every year or two, keeping them consolidated and most importantly with one company. It’s always advisable to start refinancing your loans once you complete your studies. This way, you will be able to manage your loan easily.
Find a company that you have confidence in and feel comfortable working with. The company you choose should be willing to work with you over time to help you refinance until you complete your education. What’s more, your preferred company should also be willing to accept early repayments of your student loan without any penalty, in case you find some ways to pay your loan early.