938 Aurora Boulevard Cubao, Quezon
Students Grade Monitoring System
Complete Documentation
Submitted by:
Certifico, Rixie Jael F.
Javier, Jedealyn M.
Pilapil, Gladys Faith F.
Santos, Jennick B.
Submitted to:
Mr. Alfredo Cabiles III
Information Flow
The flow of the information of the current system starts during the enrollment period. It started when the student get his pre-registration form at the (OSA) Office of Student Affairs. A pre-registration form is an early registration form to be filled up by the student, especially by college students, which is to be taken before the general registration or before receiving the final registration form that is given by the registrar after encoding.
Then, the students will fill up all the data that the pre-registration form requires to be filled. The fields that must be filled up are the following: the complete name of the student, student number, course, and year level, what particular semester he is enrolling (if first semester, second semester, or summer) and the school year. The student needs to input all the catalog number of the subjects he had already taken before, the description of the subjects, the total number of units per subject, the previous section and the professors assigned to those subjects, and the grades he gained per subject whether it is passed or failed. Together with this, the student is required to input the catalog number of the subject to be taken, as well as its description, the total number of units that complies with the curriculum they are using. After this, the grades of the student will be verified by the Guidance if the students have failing grades or not.
If the student does not have a failing grade, he will proceed to the department chair for the advisory that he is qualified to enroll all the subjects that he listed in the pre-registration form. If he already achieved all requirements needed, the department