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Studies of negative pragmatic transfer in interlanguage pragmatics
LIU Shao- zh on g , LI AO Feng - r on g
(Foreign Languages College , Guangxi Normal University , Guilin 541004, China )
Abstract : Negative pragmatic transfer (NPT ) is nothing but a difference of saying things between non2native speakers and native speakers . It occupies an important position in inter 2
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language pragmatics whose mission is to scrutinize how non 2native speakers do things with words with L 2. This paper reported that 4 NPT 2related aspects have been heavily document 2 ed in the current literature :1 ) L 1 negative pragmatic transfers at the speech2act level;2 ) the distinction between negative pragmalinguistic and sociopragmatic transfers ;3 ) conditions of negative pragmatic transfers ; and 4) native speakerz] attitudes towards L 1 negative pragmat 2 s ic transfers . Consequently , issues for future studies are also raised. Key words: negative pragmatic transfer ; interlanguage pragmatics ; speech acts [ �d �1 �� ]H09,� ,� [�� �p�J �� �2 ]A ,� ,� ,� [�� �� �T �� ]100126597 (2002 ) 0120034212 �� ��
1 Negative pr agm atic tr ansfer and its r ole in inter language p r agmatics .
Interlanguage pragmatics ( ILP ) is a new branch of pragmatics . It is a pragmatic perspective into the learnerz] language . As such , it specifically tackles how learners comprehend and produce utter 2 s ances in a target language (TL ). Learners always use their previous knowledge , experience , skill , etc. in learning to understand and produce meanings in a new situation and with the target language they have learned. Technically , this is referred to as transfer . If what is transferred from a previous situation is the same or favorable or adequate to the present situation , this is called a positive transfer ; if, however , what is transferred from a