Consumer Behavior Case Study page 230
The underlying theme within this case as well as the reasoning behind the proposed strategic alternative is: how to increase the sales and alter the consumption habits of the target consumer market. We describe the industry and the company’s position within the industry the behavioral aspects of the target consumer market and its relationship to this company. After careful study of theoretical reasoning, we’ve found that consumers with lower self-esteem tend to spend less. Our strategic alternatives therefore attempt to enable the consumers to increase their self-esteem and thus, altering their consumption behavior in favor of shopping at Lane Bryant and Lane Bryant’s new boutique shop, Cacique. The strategic alternatives that they propose are:
1. Implement new clothing lines which address the issue of differing “shapes” among women, as opposed to the traditional numerical sizing method.
2. Implement a marketing strategy which will discard the usage of the term “plus-size” and coin new terminology, such as “normal sizing”.
3. Implement a two-pronged approach, running parallel programs that utilize both new lines for shape-based sizing, as well as a marketing program using new terminology.
The Lane Bryant is implementing by manufacturing new clothing lines that appeal to shape-based consumption, as well implantation of the marketing program in more traditional methods, such as advertising and celebrity.
This case study explores how plus-size female consumers perceive their bodies and themselves, how their self-esteem, body-image and self-concept, self-consciousness and cachexia may influence involvement with clothing, and how these factors may impact their perceptions of the importance of plus-size store and clothes attributes. Additionally, how the aforementioned concepts factor into their consumption practices.
Fat, big, over-weight, full-figured,