Apple Inc: The iPod, the iMac, and the Business Lessons of Closed Systems
Apple Inc 4 years back I considered another company more but this 2 years I realized that is a great company and an example of success, maybe the success or the growth between 2001 and 2009 was before a realized that and that is because Apple Inc is a foreign company and in those years was not very known yet México , I remembered Imacs but not very popular I have read this widly growth of Apple Inc in Usa and now I understand why is coming more successful here in México.
Apple Inc it a company that always look forward to improve his closed system and of course Steve Jobs( 1955-2011) this person is one that a admire a lot, all his visions and ideas change dramatically the operating systems forever, the ipod another impressive closed system. Apple Inc will continue to dominate the digital music market for years to come why?, because when ipod and itunes rised it had a huge impact in digital music and mp3 devices and their almost like a monopoly I think their will not be overcome so easily, and it is very simple, here in my school almost everyone have and ipod or an iphone and somecases both, those devices come with itunes, and we think about it itunes it is very innovating because it is a media player very versatile , you can listen to music, you buy music and you can organize your music very easily in your ipod or computer and even if you have a different mp3 player you can put it and the cost are very accessible if you have the buying power to adquire one ipod the music it is like buying candies.
Now if we think a free music service or better saying p2p sharing program you can find that music it is bad quality, not complete, or it is a different song but it is named with the song you looked for. These are some of I consider that Apple Inc will continue leading, I can see it now how they grow.
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