Socials9 Study Guide: Final Exam
Multiple choice sections:
Chapter six: 1-20
1. Coniferous trees: Coniferous trees have small, waxy and usually narrow leaves (needles or flat scales). 'Coniferous' means that it is a cone-bearing tree.
2. Appalachian region: Some of the landforms found in this region are low mountains, flat uplands, forests, rocky cliffs, and many islands. Climate can be described as cool and wet for most of the year. Variety of vegetation that grows in the Appalachian region.
3. Deciduous Trees: Trees that drop their leaves each autumn are called 'deciduous'
4. The main river that runs through the interior Plains?: The Mississippi river
5. Current that brings cold water south from the Arctic?: The east Greenland current
6. Deposits of coal and oil are found in this rock?: Sedimentary
7. The coastal Plaines: Area of flat, low-lying land adjacent to a seacoast and separated from the interior by other features
8. A steep cliff formed by erosion: An escarpment
9. Sinkhole: A cavity in the ground
10. The tundra: The northern most vegetation region
11. The intermountain plateau: Next to the west coast of Canada & USA
12. The western cordillera: Area that consists of range by range of mountains, separated by plateaus and valleys.
13. A level swamp or bog: Muskeg
14. Prairie provinces are found in this region: Interior Plains
15. Deltas: An area of soil or silt deposits built up at the mouth of a river
16. Tectonics: to do with the structure of the earth
17. Canadian shield: Geographic foundation of Canada, covering over half the surface area
18. Region well known for hurricanes: The coastal plains
19. The interior plains: Composed of gently rolling hills and deep river valleys
20. Brackish lakes: Somewhat salty
Chapter seven: 21-40
21. Traditional dwelling of the plains Indians: Tipi
22. Salmon was the staple of this native group: The plateau people
23. Totem poles: large red cedar log that depicts family history