• Blog: an easily updatable online journal; short for weblog.
• Instant messaging (IM): communication system in which users’ messages appear on each other’s screens instantly, without the need to be opened individually, as with email.
• User-generated content (UGC) sites: Websites on which users rather than website owners contribute most or all of the content.
• Goodwill: the positive feeling that encourages people to maintain a business relationship.
• Email hygiene: refers to all the efforts that companies are making to keep email clean and safe – from spam blocking and virus protection to content filtering.
8: Writing Routine and Positive Messages
• Adjustment: the settlement of a claim.
• Claim: a formal complaint made in response to dissatisfaction over a product or service.
• A message of appreciation may become an important part of someone’s personnel file. When you write a message of appreciation, try to specifically mention the person or people you want to praise.
• Well-written condolences and expressions of sympathy can mean a great deal to people who’ve experienced loss. Open a condolence message with a brief statement of sympathy. In the body, mention the good qualities or the positive contributions made by the deceased. In closing, offer your condolences and your best wishes.
9: Writing Negative Messages
• Buffer: a neutral, noncontroversial statement that establishes common ground with the reader in an indirect negative message.
• Crisis management plan: plan that defines operational procedures to deal with a crisis, including communication tasks and responsibilities.
• Performance review: employee evaluation procedure giving feedback on performance and guidance for future efforts.
• Whistleblowing: efforts by employees to report concerns about unethical or illegal behavior.
10: Writing Persuasive Messages
• AIDA model: message sequence that involves attention, interest, desire, and