Instructor: Dr. Terry M. Bricker Office: A606 Life Science Annex (Laboratory, A623 – check the lab if I am not in the office!) Phone: 225-578-1555 E-mail: -- E-mail is an excellent way to contact me or ask questions. Office Hours: M,Tu 3:30-4:30, or by appointment. - Please see me if you have questions or problems.
COURSE: BIOL 1201, General Biology, 3 credit hours. Biology 1201 is a course intended for students that are majoring in a life science or curriculum requiring a majors-level course content. This course is also intended for students in a pre-medical or pre-dental program. The laboratory course (BIOL 1208) is a separate and distinct course; students taking 1208 receive a separate grade. BIOL 1201 is a General Education Course. BIOL 1201 classes are designed to address the following General Education Outcomes: 1) an appreciation of the methods of critical inquiry and 2) a comprehension of how knowledge is acquired and applied. For every hour in class, students are expected to spend at least 2 hours studying notes, working assigned problems, and reading suggested text.
REQUIRED TEXT: Campbell Biology, Reece et al. 9th edition. The text assignments are intended to clarify and expand upon the information given in lecture. Moodle: Lecture PowerPoints, announcements and study guides will be posted on Moodle. You may also check this site to see your grades.
EXAMS: All exams will consist of short answers, essay questions, problems, etc. There will be no multiple- choice questions on the examinations. There will be four exams worth 100 points and a comprehensive final worth 100 points. Make-up examinations will consist of essay type questions and problems. Make-up exam will be given only for individuals with a valid excuse. Students who miss an exam and fail to notify the instructor will be assigned a score of zero for that exam.
Course Grading.
Four lecture Examinations, 100