The Geographical Approach
Geography = Only discipline that examines patterns of phenomena on Earth.
Geographers are interested in locational aspects of Earth phenomena (can it be mapped?) * Physical geography involves natural phenomena * Human/cultural geography involves phenomena caused by inhabitants
Many different fields of geography overlap one another. All geographers are interested in: * A focus on spatial relationships (terrestrial) * Geographic patterns (+ how they’re created) * Where things are, why they’re there, how they got there
*Fundamental Geographical Concepts
* Place * Location – absolute & relative * Latitude: Angular distance on the surface of the Earth measured North/South of the equator * Longitude: Angular distance on the surface of the Earth measured East/West of the equator
*Equator is always at 0° latitude * Region * Distribution in Space * Distance * Scale * Time & Temporal Change * Earth-human relationships
GPS determines position based on triangulation from satellites orbiting Earth using coordinates of latitude/longitude or easting/northing.
“White Lies” on Maps
Maps must tell white lies in order to be accurate. They are attempting to represent a complex 3D world on a 2D plane and therefore must offer a selective, incomplete view of reality to present data accurately. This can be done through using different colors and designs to represent data in the desired way.
Temporal Changes
* Places change through time and over distance * Changes in physical environment vary from small/temporary (ex. river channel changes) to permanent (ex. mountain uplift over long period) * Humans are causing the Earth to change faster than ever before.
*Spheres of the Earth System
* Atmosphere: Dynamic, gaseous mixture extending from a few meters underground to 60,000 km above earth. * Lithosphere: The outer shell of