-Know the functions and characteristics Skeletal Muscle Tissue.
-Know and understand the anatomy of skeletal muscle tissue, example: fascicles and muscle fibers, sarcoplasm, SR, sarcomere, etc.
-Know the types of connective tissue components of skeletal muscle.
-Know where each connective tissue component is located.
-Know the difference between tendons and aponeurosis.
-Understand the Blood vessels and nerves of skeletal muscle tissue.
-Understand the difference between a myoblast and Satellite cells
-Understand the difference between Sarcolemma and T-tubules
-Know the difference between thick and thin filaments (actin vs. myosin)
-Know all the components of a sarcomere ( each band, zone, & line)
-Understand the neuromuscular junction and the components of the neuromuscular junction (synaptic knob, motor end plate, synaptic cleft)
-Know what happens at each physiological event of muscle contraction. (understand what occurs at each event)
-Know the difference between repolarization vs depolarization
-Know the Three ways to generate ATP in skeletal muscle fiber: phosphagen system, anaerobic cellular respiration, aerobic cellular respiration
-Understand oxygen debt
-Know the difference between slow and fast twitch fibers
-Know the difference between Oxidative fibers & Glycolytic fibers
-Know the difference in Isometric contraction and Isotonic contraction
-Know the difference in Hypertrophy, Hyperplasia, Atrophy
Below are the rest of the notes that you will ONLY need for Chapter 10 for Exam 3. Please review over and bring any questions to lecture next week. We will begin Chapter 12 during the next lecture.
Three types of skeletal muscle fibers
Slow oxidative fibers also called type I fibers about half diameter of other fibers contains slow ATPase contractions slower and less powerful
ATP supplied primarily though aerobic cellular respiration can contract long periods of time without fatigue appear red