General Objectives:
The students will gain in depth knowledge about various methods of effective learning and practice it during their study time.
Specific Objectives: At the end of the seminar the students will be able to, 1) Define learning and study habits 2) Explain the concept of Study skills 3) Describe the Process of study 4) Enlist the Types of learning 5) Develop Effective Study Habits 6) Elaborate methods & tips to Improve Memory 7) Interpret the Survey Report 8) Understand the research study
Contents: 1) Introduction 2) Specific and General Objectives 3) Definition of learning 4) Meaning of study habits 5) Concept of Study skills 6) Process of study 7) Types of learning * Classical Conditioning * Operant Conditioning * Cognitive Learning * Social Learning 8) Development of Effective Study Habits 9) Methods &imp; tips to Improve Memory 10) Survey Report 11) Research study 12) Conclusion 13) Bibliography
Development Of Effective Study Habit
Learning is central to all our behaviour.Each learner is unique individual with different abilities, interests, ways of thinking and responding thus these characterstics have a significant influence on ones learning style. It is being realized that students use different learning strategies.They have different methods of reading, interpreting and coding the information.Sometimes these strategies are useful, but some students develop pathological learning strategies. To study effectively the students should be aware of learning process.
Definition: Learning is not just memorizing a lot of unrelated informations. It means understanding concepts and principles, the relationship between ideas and the ability to analyse a situation to synthesize various bits of informations or evaluate an event and arrive at judgement
A famous Sanskrit shlorka
References: -B.sankaranarayan, B.sindhu,learning & teaching in nursing,2nd edition.