1. Introduction.
2. Material prosperity depends upon commerce education.
3. The modern business and trade are complex and complicated. 4. Commerce education trains the students to understand the
Modern business.
5. A commerce graduate keeps "his eyes on the market and
The customers.
6. A commerce graduate administers the business well.
7. It makes the individuals self-sufficient and independent.
8. Commerce education strengthens the economy.
9. Conclusion.
The modern world is very fast and complicated. It is a world of commerce and business. Every country tries its level best to have frequent trade and commercial dealings with other countries to improve its economy. The prosperity and the growth of economy of a nation depend upon its business, trade and commerce and highly developed industries. In the past, the business and other commercial dealings were easy, but the high growth rate of population and development of all the nations have made the trade and business very complicated and hard. The modern business requires highly trained and skillful young men. This requirement has given due importance to commerce education.
The main objectives of the commerce education are to train and to educate our youth to manage the highly complicated modern business, and to get the desired results from the trade. Commerce education means to enable our youth to compete in the modern business and to pace with the modern world. The commerce education gives pragmatic approach of the modern economics and industry. The commerce education enables the youth to understand and judge the various trends of trade and business of the modern world.
A commerce graduate keeps his eyes on profit and loss, the rise and fall in the business and the demand of the modern time. He knows well how to deal with the customers. He can advertise the items and commodities of his company and the country well.
A well-organized company needs a