Chinese financial injections have been supporting economies of many African countries in recent years. Chinese business enterprises created new working positions, helped to improve infrastructure, brought new technologies and also cheap products which could African people afford more then the ones exported from Europe or USA. However, later it appeared that China’s increasing influence doesn’t lead African countries only to prosperity and better life but started to cause problems. Nowadays, there are many questions whether Chinese expansion to Africa has positive or negative impact, especially in terms of respecting human and worker’s rights, environmental issues, protection of local labor markets and constantly blooming corruption and non transparency of political systems in most of the African countries.
Chinese investments and business practices in Africa have surely brought certain cure and help to this continent, however, due to obviously increasing Chinese power and interest in gaining as much benefits as possible in Africa started to show its negative impacts.
Paradigm: Africa has a long history of unhappy experiences with outside powers coming to exploit the continent. After decolonization most of newly created states were not prepared enough to independent state existence. The whole continent has been facing to adverse conditions for decades. Nowadays there more that 40 countries in Africa which are classified as the least developed countries - the countries with low standard of living and underdeveloped industry whose main problems are: a high population growth, poverty and low education and health system, pollution, non-functional government and bad infrastructure. These countries could hardly exist without a support of other countries and international organizations that provide them a financial aid. Chinese investments have been bringing a significant financial help so many African countries in