Uniforms have also created an increase of safety in schools. Uniforms have been worn only in private schools in the past, but discussion of implementing school uniforms into public schools has begun. School uniforms are being looked at as a way to improve the surroundings of learning students in a way that helps students to be better achievers.…
This paper is about the issue of school uniforms and whether or not for schools (K-12) to require them. I analyzed three strong arguments from both sides of the issue. The side advocating uniforms argued that school uniforms keep students focused, which may lead to an improvement of grades. Advocates state uniforms deter students from crimes and save money for parents by relieving parents of the pressure of buying new clothes for every school year. The other side of the issue against uniforms in schools argue that uniforms threaten and infringe on student’s freedom of expression by requiring students to wear the uniforms with consequences if not hearkened. The opposition to uniforms also presented a study where the students oppose…
A timeless quote that can be related to multiple different matters. In this case, dress code. Dress code is a very controversial topic because it is either there is either full control or not enough control. Yet, there will always be that dying question of whether or not the school system is treating the subject matter thoroughly or not.…
Bowen is a mother of two young daughters and a school media specialist in Buford, Georgia. Throughout the article, Bowen tries to answer the question “do school uniforms help curb violence, foster a better learning environment or promote discipline in students?” People have many different thoughts about school uniforms and if they should be required or not. “Many schools have jumped on the bandwagon despite students’ expressed concerns about their freedom of speech” (Bowen).…
Uniforms are argued to positively affect student safety by: lowering student victimization, decreasing gang activity and fights and differentiating strangers from students in school building. Dress codes in public schools would be good, in order to cut down the violence, which would eliminate the problems of wearing hats or jackets that could carry weapons to school.…
Many educators do not believe in the positive outcomes of uniforms. They believe it is theory that uniforms will improve behavior and social outcomes because “in reality, they don’t”. (KIDS) One of their thought against uniforms is that uniforms teach children that in order to get along everyone must fit to the same standards. Dressing every student the same gives a false idea that everyone is at the same economic level. Instead, students should be able to notice the difference of social classes in their school, and be able to get along with anyone. Another idea is that uniforms interfere with students’ rights for self-expression and limits them to different knowledge. With uniforms, a student is not able to express what their personality and likes. Also, students who choose their own clothing each school day learn to adapt to shifting social standards and learn skills that will serve them well as adults.…
A school uniform is a specific design for clothing designated to be worn while attending academic classes at a school. The school context comprises grades one through twelve of public and private schools in the United States. Different schools and different grades within schools may have different uniforms, as determined by parents and school administration. In today’s society all public schools should require student uniform. These generations of school kids are more worried about how your hair looks, what name brand clothes you have on, and also what kind of shoes are on your feet. These kids are worried about all the wrong things. Instead of worrying about their peer’s attire they should be into their books. Worrying about all the wrong things can be distracting. When ones focus is on something other than what’s important can cause sidetracking. "We are under no illusions that it's a silver bullet that is going to make kids smarter," school board President Pedro A. Ramos said last week. "We do think it will improve school climate. It removes a lot of anxiety and stress from lives of our students and parents," (Johnston). To understand why this is an issue, let us look at the problem, why the problem is significant, whom the problem affects, why others’ attempts have failed, and how I propose to solve the problem. This is an everlasting debate that whether school uniforms should be worn or casual clothing is as good. And like most of the popular debate in the world it has no concrete answer, it totally depends on a person’s beliefs actually. For some it is a benefit for others a disadvantage. I believe public schools should require students to wear uniforms. First wearing school uniforms promotes good discipline. Second it reduces distractions. Thirdly it is a far less expensive to buy school uniforms than many other clothes.…
For the past decade, schools, parents and students have clashed over the issue of regulating student attire. Over the last few years, cases involving an anti-Bush T-shirt in Vermont made their way through the courts, causing many to wonder whether this debate will ever be resolved. Most researchers’ state that uniforms do not help with academic performance however, improvements in attendance rates and graduation rates have been observed. School districts across the country are battling over this issue with the help of parents.…
The issue of school uniforms dates all the way back to the 1980s when public schools were getting looked down upon for not having uniforms. Many argue against them saying they take away from children’s individuality and ultimately don’t save parents money. With all the facts at hand I am prepared to stand up and speak my opinion about the benefits school uniforms and dress codes have. (Wilde, Kakoulas and Modenbach)…
Dress codes and uniforms have significantly helped reduce the potential for conflict by reducing ways in which gang members can identify themselves, which eliminates fear and intimidation. The foremost of arguments is that it reduces a good amount of social conflicts in schools. Often, bullying in schools may be a result of how a person dresses. Students who are unable to follow the latest fashion trends are easy targets for bullies in school, causing them to have many insecurities about themselves. The efficacy of uniforms, in improving academic performance and student attitudes, is often debated. A study published in The Journal of Education Research by David L. Brunsma,…
Have you ever attended a school where school uniforms were mandatory? The answer is probably yes, as during the 2013-2014 school year, one-fifth of public schools in the United States had to do so. As for me, from Kindergarten until 5th grade I had to wear a school uniform. But once 6th grade rolled around and I changed schools, uniforms were not enforced. I’ve seen both sides to this story, and believe that school uniforms are a controversial subject which can be easily contrasted. Some may think that school uniforms can help students succeed, while others think that they don’t alter the success of a student at all. No matter if a school enforces uniforms or opposes them, the education of the student is most important.…
We understand that uniforms do not single handedly improve a students academic success but, it will set a tone for a more productive learning environment, which all students need in order to succeed. We should also take into consideration that by a school adopting a school uniform policy; it is sending a clear message to its students and parents that education is the top priority and main…
When students wear uniforms in schools there are positive effects on safety and it raises the esteem of the educational surroundings. Dressing alike in schools deters the wearing of certain colors that can be interpreted as gang colors. Being allowed to wear baggy pants in schools makes it easy to carry weapons onto school grounds. School “uniforms are attributed to decreasing behavior problems by: increasing attendance, lowering suspension rates, and decreasing substance abuse among students” (Gurskey, 1996, p. 46). Students have an increase in spirit, self-esteem, and a feeling of being a part of a group when uniforms are worn in schools (Thomas et al, 1992, 1994). School uniforms will help lighten any stress on students to fit into a certain group. There will be no competition with fashion and everyone will feel equal.…
Uniforms are said to help students concentrate on the academic aspect of school. Most students need help to concentrate and sometimes thinking about the clothes they are wearing and what others say about them distracts them a lot. Middle schoolers are always trying the newest trends to see if they look good on them. They spend most of their time thinking what they might wear the next day to school and what the kid next to them might say. Uniforms give students room to think about other things that are more important at that moment. They might think about a question on a test or what topic to do on an essay. This policy enables them to give thought to what really matters. Some say there is a correlation between uniforms and test scores. Students show a higher academic achievement when in uniform.(Bodine, 2003.) Bodine said in 2003 that a research done in 1998 showed that uniformed students had significantly higher test scores than those students uniformed. All students want to get good grades because that way their parents do not punish…
All around the United States more and more schools and switching to the idea of school uniforms. Schools think that this uniform policy will help bring down crime rates, gangs, improve the schools over all academic achievement, and level out social discriminations among students. Although this theory may become true to someone who wants it to be true, other skeptics looking into this are finding that these positive influences from uniforms are merely misconceptions. Schools’ academic achievements are not influenced by the clothes that students have on their backs. Neither is the crime rate in that school. There were theories that gang members could sneak into schools by wearing that schools uniform and blending in with everyone. Some students are even saying that uniforms will not stop them from discriminating other kids since they still know who is rich and who is poor. Although our society thinks that forcing students to wear uniforms to school will cure all problems, they better think twice. School uniforms should not be allowed in public schools because they are not cost effective, they deprive students’ rights to express themselves, and lastly, they do not increase the status of the school who adopted the uniform policy.…