Depression in Farmers and Farming Families
Project Report 2005
This research project was funded by beyondblue: the national depression initiative
We would like to acknowledge and thank the participants who made this project possible by generously giving up their time and sharing their experiences with us.
The Depression in Farmers and Farming Families was undertaken by the Centre for Rural Mental Health The Centre gratefully acknowledges the support of the beyondblue Victorian Centre of Excellence in Depression and Related Disorders.
The Centre for Rural Mental Health is a joint initiative of Monash University and Bendigo Health Care Group.
June, 2005
Important Note
In order to protect the privacy of participants all names used in this report have been changed and any identifying details removed.
1. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................4 1.1. 2. ORGANISATION OF THIS REPORT .....................................................................4
BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................5 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. THE NATURE OF FARMING WORK ...................................................................5 FARMING AND FAMILY LIFE ...........................................................................6 CHANGES TO FAMILY FARMING IN AUSTRALIA ..............................................7 LIFE IN FARMING COMMUNITIES .....................................................................8 PROVISION OF MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES ....................................................9 FARMING AND MENTAL HEALTH ..................................................................10
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................11 3.1. 3.2. STUDY AREA AND PARTICIPANT RECRUITMENT
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