1.1: Background ‗Our people are our greatest asset‘ is a common observation in high performance organizations, and the biggest single business expense in most organizations is the cost of the people doing the jobs—the organization‘s human resources. So, much of the performance of an organization depends on the motivation and commitment of its employees, as well as their knowledge and skill. Yet relatively few organizations make a systematic attempt to assess the initiatives and programs that are put in place to maximize the effectiveness of human resources or to measure improvements over time. The link between health and performance is good news. Unlike many of the key factors that influence performance - changes in customer behaviour, competitors ' moves, and government actions - your health is something you can control. It 's a bit like our personal lives. We may not be able to avoid being hit by a car speeding around a bend, but by eating properly and exercising regularly we are far more likely to live a longer, fuller life. Of course, that doesn 't make the pursuit of performance and health any easier. Most companies know how to keep a close eye on performance, but health often suffers from neglect. In our experience, building health and achieving its accompanying performance benefits generally require transformational change High performance organizations ensure they maximize all resources. This includes their key resource–their employees. They put in place programs and initiatives to ensure they get the best possible outcomes from and for their employees and they collect data to ensure they can measure the success of these programs and initiatives. Each person in an organization has a role in human resource management, be it observing occupational health and safety requirements, or taking part in training to maintain their skills. Measurement of the human resources is basic to understanding the character of the organization:
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