Mr. Bastin
Unit (3) Case study/MIS in Action 1. What business and social problems does data center power consumption cause? a. Elecricty consumption doubled, more servers, more emission of carbon footprints. Very high cost for cooling data centers. Some materials used are environmentally. 2. What solution are available for these problems?, Which are environment-friendly? a. limitations on how much power and condensed water a tenant can consume. If the data center requires an unusually high amount of power and hence cooling, this requirement limits what is available for the remainder of the space. Replace of copper wiring to light pulses on cicroprocessors. Use hydroelectiec power as a source of electricity. Most friendly solution is to use thin comutors because both resuce opower consumption.
3. What are the business benefits and cost of these solutions? a. Marjority of these solutions reduces the consumption of electricity because data servers are utilixed to its full capacity therefore operating cost on data s4vers are reduced also. 4. Should firms move toward green computing? a. All firms should make some efforts in order to have control over their outsourcing model of their It infrastrure. MIS in Action 1. Use of computers and related resources. Such practices include the implementation of energy-efficient central processing units (CPUs), servers and peripherals as well as reduced resource consumption and proper disposal of electronic waste (e-waste. to reduce the impact on the environment and reduce resources consumption that may be detrimental to the environment by using more efficient hardware and better software. 2. . IBM, HP, and Dell, Some of the major corporations leading the green computing initiative are the same major players in other computing venues: IBM, HP, and Dell. Other major corporations who are going green as a way to save money on power