The thing that we cannot deny is living far away from home without relying on parents or relatives helps oversea students improve their character and tackle new challenges. For example, when they are under the weather, they have to take care of themselves instead of waiting for another to assist. As a result, they can accumulate their own experiences to heal some kinds of common disease as well as giving somebody a hand every time necessary. Moreover, studying overseas is one of the best ways to gain a wealth of experience and bring to learners a golden opportunity to apply for their dreaming job.
Conversely, oversea students also face the difficult tasks when living miles away from home. One of the things is language barrier that limits learners from not only getting knowledge but also falling in line with new environment. While living in another country, they will also begin to pick up common expressions. However, they cannot use them correctly right away or misunderstand what others mean to say. If that situation occur in their class, they will be hard to acquire knowledge. Besides, language limitation impacts on their ability of making friends as well.
In conclusion, despite the drawbacks of going abroad, it also brings a lot of benefits for a brighter future. Having a dream come true, it is crucial to overcome all of the obstacles no matter how difficult they