Well, during the first few weeks we discussed three essays of Mr. Renato Constantino. These three works are one of my most favorite essays because it has opened my mind to the truth. I have realized how distorted our history and how miseducated most of us are.
The Origin of a Myth was written to object about our deep trust and belief to the false ideas and fallacies of our Western colonizer, the Americans. This was evidential when the Filipinos allowed the rule of the Americans in our country. They believed the Americans that we cannot govern ourselves so they have to help us do it. The essay also shows us how the Filipinos, even up to today, give no importance to our own revolution. I guess the Americans were successful in the their plan not only for the Philippines but to the whole of Asia as well-to insult each of their culture and their revolution so that they can spread more myths.
Veneration without Understanding is also one of his great works that speak about Rizal and other different heroes who fought for our freedom. In this essay, he gives two sides if we are to consider Rizal as a national hero. It is because the Americans were the ones who chose him. They considered him as our national hero because they wanted to inculcate in our minds that it is better to accept peace than fight with war. They chose Rizal to be our hero because 1) he was already dead when