Firstly, studying abroad helps people improve their foreign language whereas studying locally does not. When people go to study abroad, they have to use foreign language all the time to communicate with other people. From this point, it will help people improve their language skills such as pronunciation, conversational skill, and writing skill. These are very important because second language skills give people a better chance of a job. On the other hand, people, who study locally, still use their native language. There is no factor to pressure them to use foreign language, so their skills are not improved as much as people who study abroad.
Secondly, studying abroad helps people gain more experiences than studying locally. Studying abroad is very fascinating. People will meet new things that they have never seen before. They are able to gain their experiences from learning new cultures, and meeting lots of different people. In contrast, people, who study locally, will gain their experiences just only in their country. They will meet just the same things and do not have a chance like people who study abroad. Moreover studying abroad can enhance their career. It is something that gives people the priority. You may notice that most people, who succeed in their career, used to study abroad. Therefore studying abroad is better than studying locally.
Lastly, studying abroad trains people to adapt themselves to circumstance whereas studying locally does not. People, who study abroad, have to stay in a new circumstance, so they must try to adapt themselves to it. Studying abroad will teach them how to support their lives, and how to express themselves in another language. Furthermore, living away from home can also help people to grow up and become completely adult. Conversely, people, who study in their country, do not have to adapt themselves because they live in circumstance that they are familiar. So people, who study in foreign country, will be better in adaptation than people who study locally.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why studying abroad is better than studying locally, in particular, foreign language improvement, experiences, and adaptation. Therefore, I think people should go studying abroad so that they will gain these things and get many good chances in their future.