A technique for revealing bloodflow and, therefore, brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans. fMRI scans show brain function.…
The brain structure controls everything in our body when different things happen different parts of your brain produces different brain activity. So with the modern brain imaging techniques psychologists can study brain activity of a normal person and compare that to the brain of a mentally ill person. This will help them understand the nature of the brain activity.…
There are several methods that both measure and scan the cortical functions of the brain and they both have their individual strengths and weaknesses. In a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan the scanner injects the patient with glucose containing radiotracers which are radioactive and emit positrons which are then picked up by the scanner. As glucose is used for energy in the body it will travel to the brain and distributes itself to the parts of the brain need it most at that time. When it is inside the brain, the PET scanner can detect the gamma rays of radiation emitted by the radioactive glucose and produce a three-dimensional image of the brain based on the concentration of the glucose molecules inside the parts of the brain that are using it. The concentration of the glucose in the brain is influenced by the examiner by asking the patient to perform specific tasks such as making decisions, solving problems or studying memory activities. PET scanning is useful to psychologists as it gives information about the functioning of the brain and which areas are more active and respond in different ways depending on the tasks that are set. This can then be linked to explain the functions occurring based on which parts of the brain are detected by the glucose to be responding. However this technique cannot be used to measure spontaneous behaviours as the scan measures only chemical concentrations in the brain and cannot measure the electrical signals that cause spontaneous behaviour. It can also be expensive due to the fact that radioactive substances are being used. There are ethical issues associated with PET scanning as injecting radioactive glucose can affect the patient’s health and could cause diseases to occur. PET scanning is used to assess the brain activity in people who have received strokes, cancer of the brain, traumas and other brain dysfunctions to see of what parts the brain are no longer functioning due to these diseases.…
5. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)- A technique that uses magnetic fields and radio waves to produce computer-generated images of soft tissue. MRI scans show brain anatomy.…
The main idea of this article is primarily focused on how the brain works and function, understand memory and how your brain reacts to different situations. Also, other aspects of how researchers are finding new ways and various methods to find solutions to understand the brain better. The brain is a difficult organ to understand, researchers are doing experiments on animals to try to find ways to repair brain functions that have died. This article also talks about different testing they are doing on different parts of the brain.…
There are many identified chemicals that are involved in the brain’s activity, however the following four are some of the most important relating to the process of memory and associated functions.…
SWOTT – An analysis of the CuddleSmart finding its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and trends in the market.…
There are several methods for studying cerebral lateralization; four methods in the forefront are the study of unilateral lesions, sodium amytal, dichotic listening, and functional brain imaging. The traditional method for studying cerebral lateralization is unilateral lesions study, which is the study of the location and effect lesions have on the brain and body functionality. In past, this was primarily done after the subject was deceased or through highly invasive surgery. The sodium amytal test uses an injection of sodium amytal into a carotid artery on the side of the neck that will put the same side hemisphere to sleep for a few minutes allowing doctors to test the other hemisphere for primary language center. The process is then repeated for the opposite side of the hemisphere. This method is invasive, but provides a fairly accurate method to identify the hemisphere that is the primary language center. The dichotic listening test uses earphones to speak a different sequence, such as numbers, in each ear; the sequence with the most digits reported indicates the dominant language hemisphere. For most people, the left hemisphere is the dominant one, meaning the subject would have repeated more sequences heard in the right ear. The dichotic listening test is non-invasive, and it is just as accurate an indicator of primary language center hemisphere as the sodium amytal test method. Functional brain imaging uses positron emission tomography (PET) or functional MRI to measure brain activity while the subject is performing an activity such as reading; typically, functional brain imaging used on language tests reveals more activity in the left hemisphere. Functional brain imaging is the method that shows more detail in brain activity.…
There are many different methods of cortical specialisation and these are: MRI scan, PET scan, Electroencephalogram, Post Mortem and Neurosurgery. These are developed methods of studying cortical specialisation in the brain in order to be able to predict, control and explain non –human and human behaviour. Neurosurgery is considered to be an invasive way of investigating cortical specialisation as it involves manipulating structures within the brain. There are two ways in which neurosurgery can be performed and these are lesions which is a surgical procedure used to cut neural connections in the brain, and ablation which is a surgical procedure used to remove areas of the brain. Post mortem studies are a research method of the brain of a patient, who has had something wrong with them such as struggling to speak, so this is examined after death. There are also used in police force and crime investigations to see how the person has died. EEG is a non – invasive measurement which is electrical activity of the brain which is produced by recording from electrodes which are placed on the individuals scalp. A PET scan is a procedure where the brain is assessed in various locations depending on different level of neural activity whilst the brain is active; likewise the MRI scan is taken whilst the brain is active and is where scanners use strong magnetic fields and radio waves to produce an image of the brain of an individual.…
The interesting accomplished by being able to get images of the brain and trying to determine the location of the mental process, watching the activity of different components of our brain, allowing us to study the effect of behavior, and the effect of our brains outputs. The field has grown over the past decades due to the expansion of computer technology and the greater understanding of genetics and biology and the fMRI imaging machines.…
Biological psychology focuses on the neural properties of psychology ranging from the fundamental unit of the brain, the neuron, to the highest levels of cortical organizations in the brain. It takes into account many different biological variations explored on the nature side of the nature vs. nurture debate. Topics that are in the field of biological psychology include neuroscience, neurochemistry, and neurophysiology. The development of brain scanning equipment, such as MRI, allows scientists to look at regions of the brain that become active due to working on certain tasks as well as looking for abnormal regions of the brain that are correlated with abnormal behavior.…
1. a 17 year old is sleeping and remembes a distinct dream: Pons, thalamus and cerebral cortex.…
Positron Emission Tomography (PET), radioactive isotope II. Neurons (pg 37-42) A. Structure: cell Body, axon, myelin sheath, dendrite, synapse, receptors B. Function: Action Potential, electrical & chemical signals C. Neurotransmitters III. The Brain & Nervous System (pg 43-57) A. Peripheral vs. central nervous system B. Autonomic & Somatic branches of the peripheral nervous system C. sympathetic (excitatory) vs. parasympathetic (inhibitory) branches of the Autonomic system D. Brain Anatomy 1. Brain Stem (basic functions) 2. Cerebral cortex (advanced functions) 3.…
nterest in restorative justice has been growing since the early 1990s. In many countries, programs, studies and discussion groups on the subject have proliferated. The failure of the punitive justice model, excessive use of incarceration and the alienation of victims and lack of response to their needs have generated support for this new way of thinking (Roach, 2000; Law Commission of Canada, 2003; Hudson, 2003). In Canada, the emergence of the restorative justice model can also be attributed to the inability of the justice system to find solutions to crime in Aboriginal communities and the problem of over-representation of Aboriginal persons in correctional facilities.…
Pharmacological methods are non-invasive and can, therefore, be used to study the human brain. Medicines known as antagonists and agonists are given to the patient to either increase or reduce the effects of neurotransmitters…