After WW I Europe was in ruins and new countries started to form. Some of these new counties were formed right out of German territory but later would fail due to the lack of collective security. These countries were named Rhineland and Czechoslovakia. Both countries played an important role on keeping a buffer between France and Poland. These countries had an alliance with the Allies and were also allies with the League of Nations. Even though Hitler was raising an army, the League of Nations did nothing to stop him. When Hitler was satisfied with his new army, he decided to start his plan for lebensraum. He had conquered Rhineland in a short amount of time. However Czechoslovakia started to worry and asked for the League of Nations help. The outcome was really poor since the League of Nations did nothing to help Czechoslovakia. Many Czechoslovakians were angry such as radio broadcaster William Shirer. William Shirer said that “It took the Big Four just five hours and twenty-five minutes here in Munich today to dispel the clouds of war and come to an agreement over the partition of Czechoslovakia” (document 4). Also George F. Kennan of Russia offers his view of the Munich agreement. George said that “The Munich Agreement was a…. desperate act of appeasement at the cost of the Czechoslovak state performed by Chamberlin and French premier, Daladier” (document 7”. Six months later Czechoslovakia fell into Nazi power due to appeasement.
After Czechoslovakia fell into Nazi power the Allies started to panic. The Allies deiced that appeasement to Hitler was no longer an option. Before any of this happened France and Britain allow Hitler to get away with acts that would later start WW II. The two most important appeasements that Britain and France allowed was the release of Rhineland and Czechoslovakia. However not all of Britain want to get rid of Czechoslovakia. Winston Churchill warned England about the policies of appeasement in most of his speeches. In one of his speeches to Parliament he said that “I asked that Britain, together with France and other powers, guarantee the security of Czechoslovakia” (document 6). Churchill’s speech was turned down by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain. Chamberlain favored appeasement as he said in his speech to Parliament. Chamberlain said that “With a little good will and determination, it is possible to remove grievances and clear away suspicion…… We must try to bring these four nations into friendly discussion” (Document 5).
Unfortunately appeasement did not work and it leads a path for Hitler to use aggression. In order to act aggressive according to Hitler one must fight “not by flaming protests, but by a mighty sword” (document 1). This fuels the Nazi to advance in their military tactics and to become rulers of the world. One of the Nazi’s new war tactics was called blitzkrieg. This would be a fast and surprising attack to the enemy. The blitzkrieg was first used in Poland which it was successful. This war tactic was also used for the downfall of the French government. Soon however new technologies come to present and blitzkrieg tactics become useless. This would be the beginning of the end for the Nazi Germany.
WW II was a scary and unfortunate war that could have been prevented. If only the League Nations would have acted against Hitler there might have not been any war at all. It would have also prevented any aggression, appeasement or collective security. WW II was a sad war that will hopeful never repeat itself in history.