One after another those people lay down on the grass to laugh- and two of them died.
Гипербола - вид тропа: чрезмерное преувеличение чувств, значения, размера, красоты и т.п. описываемого объекта.
Understatement- consists in lessening, reducing the real quantity of the object of speech.
I was half afraid you had forgotten me.
Литота- художественное преуменьшение величины, силы, значения явления или предмета( мальчик с пальчик, мужичок с ноготок) Litotes- is a specific variety of understatement consisting in expressing the lessened degree of quantity of a thing by means of negation of the antonym. The negation of the antonym expresses the positive idea but in a somewhat lessened degree: not bad- good, little harm will be done by that. Metonymy- is applying the name of an object to another in some way connected with the first. Метонимия- сближение, сопоставление понятий, основанное на замене прямого названия предмета другим по принципу смежности( содержащее- содержимое, вещь- материал, автор- его произведение) запели смычки- скрипачи заиграли на своих инструментах. Synecdoche- consists in using the name of a pat to denote the whole, or vice versa: to be a comrade with a wolf and owl. Синекдоха- замена множественного числа единственным, употребление названия части вместо целого или общего. Periphrasis- is in a way related to metonymy. It is a description of an object instead of its name. Metaphor- is a transfer of the name of an object to another object on the basis of similarity, likeness, affinity of the two objects. There is no real connection between them, as in the case with