They explain why delinquent subcultures emerge in the first place (strain), why they take a particular form (social disorganization), and how they are passed on from one generation to the next (differential association)” (Freda Adler, 2013).
This theory, in general, offers great explanation as to why different attributes, actions, or tendencies are developed in certain cultures or communities. The first area I will be applying this theory to is illegal drug use. Subculture theory has been a very important tool in the studies of drug use and drug related incidents. One of the main focuses to this piece of research conceptualizes the relationship between social, and culture aspects in drug use (David Moore, 2004). In the first tradition of subculture theory dates to the 1920’s. They viewed the subculture theory in drug use to be derived from common socioeconomic background (David Moore, 2004).
Within the subculture theory in drug use, a recent innovation has been the theory of drug normalization (Shane Blackman, 2010). While illegal drug use is not a new problem, it continues to get worse. Illegal drug use is …show more content…
The reason prostitution is illegal is because in most cases it is viewed as modern day slavery and human trafficking. The above circumstances also make illegal prostitution a form of organized crime, which also contributes to its illegality (Niklas Jakobsson, 2013). Many people think that prostitution should not be legal, however, many people also do think it should remain illegal. Studies show that the majority of populations in most countries find prostitution justifiable, in countries where it is already legal. However, in countries where it is illegal, the majority of these populations believe it is not justifiable (Giovanni Immordino, 2015). Many believe that if prostitution becomes legal, it will bring great increase and profit to the economic stimulus. Others believe that if made legal, men and women will be allowed to pursue and satisfy their personal sexual and emotional desires without criminal