October 1, 2010
Dear Sir/Madam,
As the signatory of the UN Global Compact, Cadbury has implemented many initiatives in its CSR strategy and has done a lot to implement the ten principles. In this report, I am writing on behalf of Cadbury to propose the recommendations for the implementation of the following two in the ten principles of the Global Compact.
Principle one requires that business should respect human rights including those in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And businesses are asked to do something to undertake more environmental responsibility under principle eight. “As an established industry leader in the areas of human rights and ethical business”(see Embedding Human rights in Business Practice iii), we believe Cadbury has a ground to say in these respects.
We quite agree with the business practices suggested by the Global Compact and we believe they are clear enough for businesses to put into practice as they provide different aspects in which businesses can perform better. We believe Cadbury has done a good job in implementing these principles as an industry leader (see our company website for more details) and in order to better carry out the two principles, we want to make the recommendations as listed below which are based on our own experiences and those of the companies in our industry:
i) Making policies that are in line with the social expectations and embedding Human Rights and environmental issues in the business practices
Based on our own experience with different stakeholders as is shown in our company website, by using all the available sources of information and establishing connections with the external stakeholders, such as the supply chain, customers and non-government organizations (NGOs), we are able to set goals that can better reflect their expectations. We believe by doing this, a business will gain great reputation for being human-right-concerned and