Increasing Operational Efficiency
Welltec® has a proven record of optimizing intervention efficiency and is dedicated to shifting operators away from heavy well interventions such as coiled tubing (CT) and snubbing towards lighter interventions. While those traditional methods require the use of a derrick, Well Tractor® conveyed methods are light weight and efficient in both mobilization and operations due to the wireline solution that enables for more operations to be performed more frequently.
Welltec’s Light Well Intervention Services
As a part of our continued development to meet the demands for interventions in subsea wells, Welltec® now includes complete subsea intervention services to our existing portfolio. This establishes Welltec® as a complete service provider with the ability to provide integrated solutions to the benefit of our clients. As shown below, one of our major clients, StatoilHydro, has since 1996 implemented a strategy of moving from heavy interventions to light weight tractor related interventions, which has increased their operational scope.
Snubbing, Coiled Tubing, WL Tractor and RLWI operations for StatoilHydro (xStatoil) operated fields (1992-2008)
160 140
Subsea Light Well Intervention
Operations per Year
120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
WL Tractor
Riserless Well Intervention (RLWI) and subsea well intervention through rigid riser has become more and more actual in the oil and gas industry the last six years. As the industry moves into deeper water offshore, more new fields are being developed subsea than from platforms. One problem the industry faces with subsea wells is that recovery factors are much less compared to recovery from platform wells. A major contributing factor is the low frequency of interventions performed on subsea wells.
Light well interventions are important for subsea operators to realize the